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Alireza Shojaei Dindarloo

Responsible for quality control - Sama Plast Persian



Personal ___________________________________________________


Name: Alireza                                                                   Family name: Shojaei Dindarloo


Address: IPPI, Pajohesh Blve, Tehran, Iran                      Postal Code:14977-13115

Phone: + 98 912-0209115


Education ___________________________________________________

2012 - 2019                 Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, Ph.D.  

                                    Major: Polymer Engineering

Modeling of Mechanical Properties of Nano Particles Reinforced Rubber Foams Based on EPDM
Advisors: Mohammad Karrabi, Prof.

     Mir Hamid Reza Ghoreishy, Prof.          

2010 – 2012                Islamic Azad University of Shiraz, Master of Science.

Major: Polymer Engineering

Numerical Simulation of Polymeric Melt through a Spiral Mandrel Die

Advisor: Arash Sarhangi fard, Prof.

2004 - 2009                 Islamic Azad University of Shiraz, Bachelor of Science.

                                    Major: Polymer Engineering

Professional affiliations and services _________________________      

Board of Directors and Co-Founder

IR-Polymer ltd.

Research and development on heat conductor polymers for the industrial production (2015-now)


Work Experience_______________________________________________


Tarbiat Modares University: Creating a FEM model of conical industrial extruders to find optimum designs. 

IR. Polymer (co-founder): Design of FRP/GRVE reservoir tanks for construction and industrial use; Research and development on heat conductor polymers for industrial production (2014-now)


Language Skills________________________________________________


English: fluent (reading, writing, speaking and listening)

Persian: native language



Publications ___________________________________________________


Peer-reviewed journal articles


Alireza Shojaei D., Mohammad Karrabi Mir Hamid Reza Ghoreishy, (2017). Effect of different nano-particles type on morphology and mechanical properties of EPDM foam, Cellular Polymers, 36.3, 113-134


Fatemeh Abbasi, Alireza Shojaei D., Samad Moemen Bellah, (2017). Effect of Exfoliated Graphene Nanoplatelets on Rheological, Morphological, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Immiscible Polypropylene/Polystyrene (PP/PS) Blends. Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology, 29.5, 477-487


Alireza Shojaei D., Mohammad Karrabi Mir Hamid Reza Ghoreishy, (2018). A Multi Scale 3-Dimensional FEM Analysis of Polymeric Rubber Foam Reinforced by Carbon Nanotubes, Iranian Polymer Journal, 28.2, 125-144


Fatemeh Abbasi, Alireza Shojaei D., Samad Moemen Bellah, (2018). The Compatibilization effect of Exfoliated Graphene on Rheology, Morphology, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of immiscible Polypropylene/Polystyrene (PP/PS) polymer blends. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 32.10, 1378-1392


Mahsa Hossein Abadi, Milad Ghetmiri, Alireza Shojaei D., Usef Jahani, (2018). Investigation on Rheological and Morphological Properties of Polyacetal/Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene/Thermoplastic Polyurethane Blends and Their Nanocomposites., Polymer Science series a. 60.6, 816-827


Alireza Shojaei D., Mohammad Karrabi Mir Hamid Reza Ghoreishy, (2019). Various Nano-Particles Influences on Structure, Viscoelastic and Vulcanization of EPDM Nano-composite Rubber Foam, Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 48.5, 218-225


Nafiseh Shadvar, Iman Amouhadi, Alireza Shojaei D., Ehsan Foroozmehr, Mohsen Badrossamay, (2020). Computational Analysis of the Extrusion Process of Fused Deposition Modeling of Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene., International Journal of Material Forming, 14, 121-131

Manuscripts in preparation/submitted for review ________________


Milad Ghetmiri, Alireza Shojaei D., (2021). Investigation the effect of electron beam irradiation and reactive extrusion on Modified PET/ Branched PP Blends., RSC Advances (under review)

Conference Presentations ______________________________________


Alireza Shojaei D., Mohammad Karrabi Mir Hamid Reza Ghoreishy (2016). Effect of Various Nano Particle Type on Morphology of Vulcanized EPDM Foam. Talk presented at the International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Tehran.


Alireza Shojaei D., Mohammad Karrabi Mir Hamid Reza Ghoreishy (2017). Investigation of Hysteric Properties of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer Rubber Foam Using Yeoh Model. Talk presented at the Iranian national rubber conference, Yazd.


Alireza Shojaei D., Mohammad Karrabi Mir Hamid Reza Ghoreishy (2014). Predicting Mechanical Behavior of Polymeric Rubber Foams (EPDM Base) using Ogden Hyperfoam Model. Poster presented at the International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Tehran

Alireza Shojaei D., Fatemeh Abbasi, Samad Moemen Bellah (2016). Morphological Study of Polypropylene/Polystyrene (PP/PS) polymer blends in the Presence of Graphene Nanoplates. Poster presented at the International Seminar on Polymer Science and Technology, Tehran

Technical Skills________________________________________________

Ansys PolyFlow finite element analysis of polymeric melt flow simulations

MATLAB programming

Numerical simulation of solid mechanical behavior with the Abaqus commercial package  

Solidworks 3D CAD drawing

Creo 3D CAD drawing

Gambit 3D CAD drawing

HyperMesh for creating complex 3D meshes

Polymer processing (Mixing, Blending, Molding, and curing of plastics, Rubbers, and composites)

Materials testing and characterization (mechanical properties, microscopy, rheology, curing)

Long fiber composite part molding

Welding and machining




Ranked 10 National University Entrance Exam, Iran (2012)







Multi-scale simulations, Materials mechanical behaviors, Computational Fluids Dynamics, Rubbers, Plastics and composites




Hiking, Mountain climbing, Volunteer Red Crescent mountain guard



آدرس ارتباطی ما

آدرس: شهرک صنعتی بزرگ شیراز – بلوار کوشش جنوبی – نبش خیابان 119 – شرکت سما پلاست پرشین

تلفن : 07137743898  

فاکس : 07137743146  

همراه :  09173116172 - 09177180267